I have produced many commissions over the years, these are some of the most significant. Recent commissions have included stone guitar picks as well and jewellery and sculpture.

Monument for Kobi Buster Gaskell
Carving this sculpture was a journey that was artistically and emotionally inspiring. It is a funerary monument (headstone) for Kobi Buster Gaskell commissioned by his parents Jamie and Rebecca.
The stone was selected from the Big River on Rebecca's sister and husband's farm in the Grey valley. This gives a sense of a lovely family connection to the sculpture.
The initial concept was a molded garden sculpture of two parents holding a baby that Rebecca loaned me to work from. When selecting the stone I imagined this arrangement but with more depth and width. Once the stone was delivered the initial stage was to draw the design onto the stone itself. The overall shape of the stone was retained and integrated into the design. One challenge was to rearrange the figures to allow the text to be added.

The granite is light gray and black in colour in a very attractive pattern, however, this is visually busy and the features needed to be carved deeply and boldly to help them stand out.
As the carving developed I e-mailed updated images of progress to Jamie and Becs. As I was working outside frequent rainfall slowed down progress and the heaviness of the tools tired my arms. The stone itself was very heavy and I needed my husband to help roll it to a new working position. Work began in August 2009 and it was completed just before Christmas.
On February 2010 an unveiling ceremony was held with friends and family. Kobi rests peacefully with his commemorative sculpture under a tree on the edge of Karoro cemetery in Greymouth.

Vollrath Hanoverian Stud Logo.
Bernie Maubach the studmaster of Vollrath Hanoverian Stud in Whanaganui commissioned me to carve a set of pendants in New Zealand jade representing their logo. These have hidden holes in the back to allow the form to be viewed without being interrupted by the suspension cord. The pendants are gifted to winning riders.
The logo is quite clever, two horse heads combine to form a V and the bottom section represents a crown.

Jade Carabina
A client in the United Kingdom commissioned a carabina to be carved in New Zealand jade. This was a technically challenging piece as there are many intricate areas in the form.
The carving is for the client's girlfriend who is an avid climber who after visiting New Zealand now adores our greenstone. He is going to propose to her with the carabina.
Being the hopeless romantic I am and savoring a good artistic challenge I accepted the commission. I am certain his girlfriend will accept his proposal.
Commission of pounamu wedding ring and pendant for Debbie Smith and Grant Shoster.
Commission of pounamu ring for Rebecca Lord.
Pounamu guitar picks carved and presented to Joe Satriani as a gift at his concert G3 in Melbourne, Australia
Commission by Tai Poutinicouncil for a leaving gift for CEO Don Campbell. A pounamu mere was carved with the Campbell tartan painted on the hand grip.
Commission by Tai PoutiniPolytechnic council for a leaving gift for Gary Coghlan, Makaawhio representative on council. A pounamu spiral sculpture.
Commission of two toanga for Dougal Stott, kaiwhakahaere of Tai PoutiniPolytechnic.
Commission of jewellery for Talia Cook.
Commission of jewellery for Jo Gerrard.
Commission jade sculpture for Home Stay organization for Kevin and Peg Piper.
Commission of jewellery for Rebecca Lord.
Commission of jewellery for Don Campbell, CEO Tai PoutiniPolytechnic.
Commission of Chinese Rooster carving in jade for Mr Jos Wellman. This was a 21st birthday present for his daughter.
Commission of a Fiordland Crested Penguin in Oamaru stone for Mr. Frank Ash.
Commissioned installation, Queen Mary Hospital, Dunedin.