My artistic journey began with a desire to be both painter and a sculptor. At Otago Polytechnic Art School in Dunedin I developed both strands and specialised in plastics combined with paint on a two dimensional format.
In 1993 I moved to Te Tai Poutini (West Coast, South Island New Zealand). The new attraction of pounamu (jade) was strong and intoxicating. In 1994 I began to carve in jade and other hard stones and my stone caving career blossomed.
In October 2005 I graduated from Monash University (Melbourne) with a Master of Fine Arts, which specialised in New Zealand cross culture in stone carving. This has culminated in a body of work that is a vehicle for political and social aspects of bi-culturalism, colonisation and ethnocentrism.
Post-graduation exploration of the visual motifs and subject matter derived from different cultures, combined together in a hybrid form that enables a personal commentary about aspects of cross culture continues.
This is enhanced by relocating to Porirua in late 2010. The cultural and artistic influences of the area are encouraging a body of work in stone and in painting that is cathartic and a retrospective look at some turbulent historical events and influences.
Ko Tapuaenuku toku maunga,
Ko Wairau toku awa,
Ko Fredrich Münchenberg toku tipuna,
Ko Catherina toku waka,
Ko Tiamani, Ingarangi, Koterangi me Airihimana oku iwi,
Ko Sharon Painter-Arps toku ingoa.